Hi I’m trying to scrape web odds and although my scraper is working the request to get the website is being blocked on Github. If anyone has an idea how to fix this I’d be grateful.
This is the error I get from the request data:
ERROR: The request could not be satisfied
The request could not be satisfied.
Request blocked.
Generated by cloudfront (CloudFront)
Request ID: jHLlxqji-i25qVQlyuMNb_Xus563vG_KpqYiC1poT0epO0wjUhAucw==
I get no error from morph. it just constructs with no data.
Hi R, welcome 
It looks like https://morph.io/rdmaloney/odds_scraper is the scraper you’re talking about.
I’ve only had a very quick look at the code. I noticed that the url you’re trying to scrape is https://sports.williamhill.com/betting/en-gb/ufc; when I try to browse to that from my desktop (in Australia), I get redirected to http://www.williamhill.com.au, and then bounced around a bit before ending up at https://beteasy.com.au/welcome#/
So my first guess is that perhaps the website you’re looking at has some geo-IP based restrictions and is refusing to serve content when the request comes from the Morph server in the US.