I’ve got a weird problem with a scraper. It works except for the the save to sqlite line. Not quire sure why it is returning an error, and I couldn’t find the solution online. The syntax seems fine from other comparable scrapers.
I don’t think that code is doing what you think it’s doing. You don’t need to convert an Array into a String, just select the element you want from it (in this case, the first and only element).
I’ve opened a pull request with some changes and some detailed commit messages of what I did and why. If you have any questions about it please fire away!
P.S. This is a great little scraper @edmundtadros. Adding more interesting data for people to use to morph.io - nice one!
Any links to give me an idea of how to click through each page? I looked at some of the documentation for mechanise and it didn’t really enlighten much.