Yikes! Thanks Chris. I’ve just found that 63 scrapers are in this states 
I did:
> Run.where(started_at: nil, finished_at: nil).where("queued_at < ?", 1.day.ago).where('scraper_id IS NOT NULL').map {|r| r.scraper.full_name }
On the rails console to get their names and indeed your’s is there.
There’s 62 scrapers in the “Unfinished runs attached to scrapers that do not have jobs on the queue” list when you run:
deploy@li421-88:/var/www/current$ cd /var/www/current && /home/deploy/.rvm/bin/rvm . do bundle exec rake app:emergency:show_queue_run_inconsistencies RAILS_ENV=production
Getting information from sidekiq queue...
Getting information about current containers...
The following runs do not have jobs on the queue:
Unfinished runs attached to scrapers that do not have jobs on the queue:
[832949, 832950, 832951, 832952, 832953, 832955, 832956, 832957, 832958, 832959, 832960, 832961, 832962, 832963, 832964, 832965, 832966, 832967, 832968, 832969, 832970, 832971, 832972, 832973, 832974, 832975, 832976, 832977, 832978, 832979, 832980, 832981, 832982, 832983, 832984, 832985, 832986, 832987, 832988, 832989, 832990, 832991, 832992, 832993, 832994, 832995, 832996, 832997, 832998, 832999, 833000, 833001, 833002, 833003, 833004, 833005, 833006, 833007, 833008, 833009, 833010, 833011, 833012]
I’ll kick all these into action with:
[run id array from above].each{|id| RunWorker.perform_async(id)}
They’re now flowing through the queue states so I’ll keep an eye on it.
Thanks again, and good luck with election!